Friday, August 27, 2004

I have a love story I made up myself...

I have never ezperience real love before, so I don't know how it feels to really love someone. But I do know how it feels when you love yourself. And when you really love yourself, you want the best for yourself, and so you fight gor yourself. When you keep on fighting for yourself, you forget about others, and you become a selfish person. And a selfish person I am.
I love myself so much that I have no extra space(s) for a foreign person in my heart. But I do long for love. So I made myself a love story. My Mr. Right, the 100% perfect guy.
He seldom speaks, he said he loves to just listens to me. He never frowns, he always has a smile. He loves the sea, just like I do. He soaks up the sun, what I'd like to do. He plays music, he reads, he cooks, and he'll give me a back massage when I'm down.
He likes it when it rains, and I like it when it rains. The rain calms me, but makes me feel lonely at the same time. We have a hammock by the beach, between two big, shady trees. And we have a lot of our time spend there.
We drink hot chocolate in the morning, and have wine in the evening. We like bordeaux for the red, and chardonnay for the white. We watch tv shows, movies, mtvs...... And we always sing and dance to the songs.
And the day ends with a good night kiss....................

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