Saturday, August 21, 2004


This is the end of my 3-week holiday, which I've enjoyed very much. And I've had my craziest, ever, weekend spent with a bunch of wonderful, wonderful people. I think I grew from this holidays... I hace to collect myself back and to prepare for school on Monday.
A new semester, new challenges. It's kinda hard sometimes to meet people you don't know or don't understand or dislike and you have to pretend that everything is ok, that everything is fine, which never was and never will be. Nothing is fine, everything is so complicated that I wonder in awe how somebody can take it so easily. I cannot give concrite example rite now cos my brain just refused to come up with any. But in the end, things will just work out, good or bad, you'll have to accept the consequences. After all, life goes on...
Anyway, come what may cos I've had my sword and armour at hands....... Muahahahah

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