Thursday, September 16, 2004

KC and I were looking up diamonds!

Diamond is every girl's best fren. This is so, so, true......... I mean who doesn't like it?! I'm earning for my first diamond. I have to get my own first diamond, not from my mom or dad. Hm... I'll give myself a couple of years time so I can save enough money to buy a nice, big, one.
Well, in my fairy tale, I missed this part, diamonds. To me, it doesn't really have to be engagements or marriages to have diamonds. Diamond is for eternity, which can stand for any kind of relationships. I want a tiara made from diamonds and platinum.......... KC taught me how to buy a diamond, the 4Cs theory. Carat, cutting, clarity, and colour. The very best one is VVS1 - very very slightly (clarity), you can't see any flaw, not even the 'cut'. KC is a little expert on diamond and jewelry here...... So I get to know a bit...

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