Thursday, September 02, 2004


I went to watch Wicker Park. Starring Josh Hartnett, the heartthrob. Matthew Lillard, the funny man. Diane Kruger and Rose Byrne. All beautiful people.
It's a beautiful movie. Not that sad, but a bit complicating, I mean the relationship. I like it but Nik said so so only... But I still like it.
Josh Hartnett (Matthew) said something like this in the movie: thing doesn't have to be extraordinary to be beautiful, an ordinary thing can be very beautiful as well. How sweet... simple but meaningful. Those small eyes, I've always got a soft spoy for guys with small eyes, like Chad Murray too... but not that kind of small eyes like mice which look very hum-sup one...
Rose Byrne (Alex/fake Lisa) said people will do crazy things just for love. And she did crazy things, for her definition of love. Niki said that what she did is not for love. So I said different people have different definition for love, and any other things. Niki's definition is, if you really love someone, you'll want him or her to be happy. My definition is, if you love someone, you will sacrifice without asking anything in return. But my sacrifice doesn't mean blindly one, should be rational, and always ask yourself, is it worth it? It is, and it is not......

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