If you believe in sadness, why not believe in Joy; if you believe in disappointment, why not believe in Hope?
Thursday, September 30, 2004
this is cyn n choon hong, taken n their bday, which is only one-day difference
mark mcgrath, sooooo sexxyy
have been off the line for quite some days... working on my graphic design assignment, which is fun but to master photoshop is one hella big thing which requires a lot, a lot of time.
nothing much or special on my birthday, but it was really really sweet that cindy post sth on her blog, said i was the queen on my day. nice.
on my bday i wanna do something which will last... on my 17th, i got myself a navel-pierce. 2 weeks after that i got myself a tattoo, which i intend to have it with me my whole life. i will not laser it, cos its really something meaningful to me. but i can't remember me doing anything last yr, i probably didnt do anything...
this year though, is different. i didn't do anything on myself, i did something on someone else and i hope it will change his life, for good. i started sponsoring a child every month, satrting on sept, thru world vision. a boy from india. i hope by doing this, i'll have more sense of responsibility and i hope this boy's life will improve with the little money i send and also the money other ppl is sending...
a couple of yrs ago i've wanted very much to do wat im doing. but i didnt really do it back then until recently niki said she is sponsoring a child. and i wasn't like feeling much but one day back at home i happened to get a form from rd and i made up my mind i have to really do it this time. n i did it. im really glad for myself and i hope my effort will last, but not just some one-minute-heat chicken shit.
today's my bday, just like any other day. i wanna make it a little more special, so instead of singing myself a bday song, i sing myself this song, one of my favourite songs... "The First Cut Is The Deepest" i would have given you all of my heart but there's someone who's torn it apart and he's taken just all that i have but if you want i'll try to love again baby, i'll try to love again, but i know... the first cut is the deepest baby i know the first cut is the deepest but when it comes to bein' lucky, he's cursed when it comes to lovin' me, he's worst... i still want you by my side just to help me dry the tears that i've cried and i'm sure gonna give you a try if you want i'll try to love again, (try)baby, i'll try to love again, but i know... OOHHH....the first cut is the deepest baby i know the first cut is the deepest when it comes to bein' lucky, he's cursed when it comes to lovin' me, he's worst OOHHH, the first cut is the deepest baby i know (baby i know) the first cut is the deepest try to love again...
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Sunday, September 19, 2004
couple yrs ago i got this pic from, em... if i were not mistaken, mm's site...... n i only knew its still in my file just now. its cool, i like it.
A plane crash on an island, only three guys survived. They were captured by
the cannibal tribe and brought before the chief.
The chief said: "I will let you live if you manage to pass two trials."
They have got no other choice but to ask: "What will be the first trial?"
Chief said: "Go into the forest and bring me ten fruits of the same kind."
They thought: "That's easy." So three of them set off
The first guy came back with ten apples. The chief told him that he had to
stuff the ten apples into his ass without even making a noise to pass the
second trial. The first one went in fine, but when the second one went in,
he couldn't help but to scream in pain. He was chopped into pieces and
dumped into the cooking pot with the apples he brought.
The second guy came back with ten cherries, The chief told him that he had
to stuff the ten cherries into his ass without even making a noise to pass
the second trial. The first one went in fine, the second one also went in
fine, everything went fine until the last one, then he couldn't help but to
laugh out loud. He was chop into pieces and dump into the cooking pot with
the cherries he brought.
The first guy met the second guy in heaven and asked: "You could have
survived, but why do you have to laugh at the last moment?"
Second guy said: "I couldn't help it, because I saw the third guy coming
back with pineapples."
Diamond is every girl's best fren. This is so, so, true......... I mean who doesn't like it?! I'm earning for my first diamond. I have to get my own first diamond, not from my mom or dad. Hm... I'll give myself a couple of years time so I can save enough money to buy a nice, big, one.
Well, in my fairy tale, I missed this part, diamonds. To me, it doesn't really have to be engagements or marriages to have diamonds. Diamond is for eternity, which can stand for any kind of relationships. I want a tiara made from diamonds and platinum.......... KC taught me how to buy a diamond, the 4Cs theory. Carat, cutting, clarity, and colour. The very best one is VVS1 - very very slightly (clarity), you can't see any flaw, not even the 'cut'. KC is a little expert on diamond and jewelry here...... So I get to know a bit...
ahahah... this is cute, got it from someone's blog... eheheheheh
http://www.questfortherest.com/ Everyone check this out. Try to think and finish it. I was like trying a zillion times to get thru the first level and I did it.......
I changed my template, from the tic-tac green to a blue one. nth special happens these few days, like always... assignments are flowing in now, the stress is building up, but still everything is under control. It's raining, I love it. I love it when it rains, feel so calm but so lonely at the same time. Ironic, huh? Nik said I'm a sentimental fool cos I like rain like it has emotion and feelings... I reckon you got what I mean... Went out just now to upgrade my sim card, the lady is pregnant. I can seee that she prefer to stay home rather working and servicing people. I mean she doesn't really enjoy her job but she doesn't seems to hate it also. I noticed that she has very dark eye lashes, she doesn't has to draw eyeliner also cos it's sp dense... haha. Listening to a cd i bought just now, as always, I spent all I've got. Damn, I have no savings, and I need to open an account in November. So I have to reallly save up!
i was looking for oil paintings last nite n i came across this, beautiful and dreamy painting by Artuto Alvarez, called the charm of the butterfly...
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
this is a very, very nice painting of buddha...
this is sweet...they always look happy whenever they r together. Is it real? Is it not? I sure hope they are really happy...
It's the 20th bday for Prince Harry. I don't know why I'm paying so much attention to the UK royalties, maybe its their publicity, or maybe it's family influence. My mom knows as much as I do about the Windsors.
I like Prince Harry the best, but most of my friends (even my mom) like Price William... I don't know, it's just that Harry attracts me more, in a way that he seems more............. um... mortal? He is juat like another person, unlike his brother who seems to be so perfect. So immortal... Ahahahaha....
Monday, September 13, 2004
oh my Prince Charming!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
lest we forget... and I shall never forget.
this is nice.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
a bloody mickey... Faunadestia. who's the artist? check out yourself... and guess wat, it cost 10,000 bucks. US$.......... hwewh....
Cheers buddy... I've been of the line for quite some days, and it was quite nice, butthen I also feel a bit empty...... It's not so bad... I slept at 9 something everyday, I'm feeling much much better.
I was really exhausted for, like the last couple days... I didn't really mean physical exhaution, but emotional and mental. It's too many things at one time and I got really disgusted and pressured. I donno how to say this, cos I dont really know what is it...
Anyway, I'm back and feeling very good now... And I shall start posting the stuff I have left behind.
Today I got really heated, that I nearly slap a girl in the library. She was like a bitch can’t stop moaning and she’s really got on my nerves. I required total silence and concentration while she’s making all the noises and said something like this: I wonder why the librarian hasn’t come over and gimme a slap……. And after she said that, I said something like this: if I give you a slap, would that be any difference! And then she said: yes, because you’re not her (the librarian) and I don’t wanna talk to you……. And I gave her a sharp look that said: shut up you bloody whore, you’ve really got me heated…….
And after that I collected my books and went to another table. Afterwards she came and apologized and that’s it.
Well I told Nik about it and she said it’d be very irrational if I slap her. Oh come on, if I were really rational at that moment, I would have tolerated her obnoxious way of speaking. I’m a rational person with good moral, I won’t usually bother about people like her, but then my mind was very much disturbed and I was very frustrated and irritated by the smallest thing.
So my conclusion is: temper, the real killer.
I feel that communication happens, like a chain. For example, A wants to talk to B, but B wants to talk to C, and C wants to talk to D, and so and so and so…
There are always people around you who wanted to talk to you so badly, that you don’t pay any attention to them or you just refuse to notice them. And when two persons, or more get together, the person with the dominant power will have very big impacts on people around him/her. And those people around him/her have impacts on him/her as well, because if those people don’t pay so much attention on him/her, the him/her won’t have the power to influence them. And a person can be involved in a group or more (groups). And the degree of commitment is different in different group(s), and that determine the power he/she has in that group. But, total devoting commitment doesn’t mean that he/she will have the ultimate power. If so, that has something to do with the alpha person’s personality.
What was I trying to say, I’m blurred now. So I guess I’ll better stop here before things got worse…
Sometimes when you meet somebody, you tend to behave slightly different from your usual self. I’m not sure about other people, but sometimes I tend to do that. Especially when I’m facing someone who makes me feel uneasy, in a sense that make me feel not so confidence. I don’t know how to tell that kind of feeling, but it’s there and I don’t know why. Yeah, I guess I’m just lack of self-confidence.
But sometimes, I have this extraordinary courage, or I prefer to call it – chutzpah, when I face a certain situations. Like, I don’t know, just a sudden rush of adrenaline, maybe… Oh yeah I know, when I’m facing people who look great, and especially when I don’t know them, I kinda feel small. But if thru conversations that I get a little bit of them, maybe I’ll regain my confidence. These all happens very quickly, I mean the inconfidence and regained confidence thingies. Because people who is not sharp enough will not notice it. And maybe the people around you are like that as well; it’s just that you don’t notice anything because they happen in a split sec…
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Some production photos......
It's so typical of jonathan and jason to be like this, so funny and so so cute...
I went to watch Wicker Park. Starring Josh Hartnett, the heartthrob. Matthew Lillard, the funny man. Diane Kruger and Rose Byrne. All beautiful people.
It's a beautiful movie. Not that sad, but a bit complicating, I mean the relationship. I like it but Nik said so so only... But I still like it.
Josh Hartnett (Matthew) said something like this in the movie: thing doesn't have to be extraordinary to be beautiful, an ordinary thing can be very beautiful as well. How sweet... simple but meaningful. Those small eyes, I've always got a soft spoy for guys with small eyes, like Chad Murray too... but not that kind of small eyes like mice which look very hum-sup one...
Rose Byrne (Alex/fake Lisa) said people will do crazy things just for love. And she did crazy things, for her definition of love. Niki said that what she did is not for love. So I said different people have different definition for love, and any other things. Niki's definition is, if you really love someone, you'll want him or her to be happy. My definition is, if you love someone, you will sacrifice without asking anything in return. But my sacrifice doesn't mean blindly one, should be rational, and always ask yourself, is it worth it? It is, and it is not......
Yesternight Nik and I were discussing about some male friends' dressing style and their taste. And we realised that a lot of guys don't know how to dress, or they just don't care about anything as long as there're top and bottom. They don't care about colours, the fabric of the top and the bottom, whether they match or not. I found that rather saddening. My bro is one of them, whose wardrobe consist of a lot of nice and branded pieces but doesn't know how to match and look like he's wearing some pasar malam stuff.
Of course there are also a few who knows how to look good, and most librans naturally know how to look nice. Not because I'm a libran, but it's a libran nature to know what to wear and how to look nice, they know what suit them best. Ah, my dad has very great taste, for a man his age, he's consider good. And yes, he's a libran too... Speaking of this, Nik's dad and my dad has the same birthday. Both on the 27th of September and I'm on the 26th. Cool, huh?
Anyway, for Niki, age is a factor to her. I mean she won't go for guys younger than her, even if it's just a couple of months. She said she feels pedophilic. But for me, age is not a problem as long as there's no huge gap of maturity. Taste and style is a factor to me. I can't stand guys with no style and zheng taste. If it's just normal friends, then that's alright. But for a bf or something, he MUST have some taste and style. I always say that Niki is shallow to have care about age, well for me, to care so much about style and taste, I'm not sure whether I'm shallow or not. To me, as long as you know how to dress and your own style, you sure have got some personality.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Niki is having depression. Which I think I know why... she said she felt like killing herself n stuff like that. Well when I was having my depression a couple of years ago all I felt is anger, and anger and anger. But I've never thought of killing myself, hmpf, donno why, but I did think of self-torturing. And I love the feeling of pain, I used to love it, I still love it now, and I will still love the sensation of pain.
Maybe I shold suggest Nik to get a little bit of pain......