Saturday, August 28, 2004


There are few things that I'll always have in mind. One of them is one should have vision, with action, and the vison will becomes reality. This is one the things that my dad told me. And I always, always remember it and I do not know why.
The other thing is there is nothing fair in the world, which is what my form teacher told me last year. I was always protesting, saying this is unfair, and that is wrong. Until one day she turned and told me:" Let me teach you something Winnie, and remember this - there is nothing fair fair in the world, and stop saying things are unfair to you...." and I remeber it until this day, and I shall have it in mind forever... So the other day I went to see my hm and told her I've got problem with the timetable and it's very inconvenient. She told me life is never rosy, so I said "yeah I understand, so that's why I'm trying to make it rosier (by complaining to you and see if I can change anything)......" Later she asked for my name and said she'll talk to my lecturer. I think I offended her... Shikes, and my frens were so chicken, didn't help me or defend me when the hm was attacking me with that bloody rosy rosy thingy...
Whatever, if things got sour on Monday, I'm the one who'll lick the whole bowl of shit. Its a complicated story, whatever decisions the hm n lecturer come out with (about the timetable) someone's gonna hate me for what I did... And I shall accept it. Damn it...

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