Thursday, December 19, 2019

Simplicity is bliss

Well, that is, at least, for now.

In the midst of "spring cleaning" my life and one of the many things I have always wanted to do is to adopt a more minimal life.

By minimal, I mean, back to the simple stuff, simple things, simpler ways of living. I dare not use the word "minimalist", as small as it may imply, it's actually, a major, Major, MAJOR word as the minimalist way of living will literally uproot the whole of all my old beliefs on how I should live life.

So I will start it slow, like real slooooooow. 

As I attempt to declutter my physical surrounding, I'm also at the same time, decluttering myself emotionally and mentally.

Things and people and feelings towards certain situations that are important, are still important, or for as long as I think they are important, will remain so.

But I'm also consciously cutting off materials, people, and the past that I know for a fact are no longer important, for now and for my future self.

And it is exactly these no-longer-important things and people and memories that are hardest to cut off.

Tough, but not undoable. And so to give myself a little help in detaching, I'm allowing myself to indulge in activities and new hobbies, taking up small projects that positively occupy myself.

One of them is pottery! 

I remember when I was little, my mom used to send me for plaster of paris lessons where I made photo frames, small little holders, etc. I never really knew how to appreciate these lessons but I now know, the wonderful feelings of channelling inner energy onto objects and to witness efforts turning into gold.

I absolutely enjoy my weekly pottery session. They are short as I could only sneak a short lunch break for it but they are always, always fruitful.

I could almost leap my way back to work every time after I leave the studio. 

And so, I will set myself a reasonable target, of using my current and future effort to claim back my head space, physical space and heart space.

I want to really love life and the people who are important to me - with authenticity, with courage, with honesty, with sincerity, with who I really am.

A little ramen bowl. Took back the wheel which I have left for almost a year and this time around, it's a whole new experience and feeling.

#pottery #livelife #headspace #authenticity #minimal #selfcare #declutter #importantpeople #courage #honesty #sincerity #iam #springclean #simple #simplicity

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


At 34, at this moment, right here and now, it just dawned on me that life is about coming to terms with ourselves.

The choices we made in the past, the consequences we have to live with today, the choices today, and the willingness to live with it tomorrow.

At 34, I have to accept that ultimately, there is no right or wrong choices per se, it is more about being authentic and true to ourselves; having the guts to stick we what we really want rather than what others deem right.

It will be all good and great if what we do and what we belief in is in align but what if it's not?

At 34, it is a darn hard realisation to respect individuals who make what is the wrong decision, but have what it takes to stick to it, and own it, and live life in their own terms rather than what others would like to impose on them.

This in itself, isn't it, genuine and honest?

At 34, I have been twice betrayed by my husband who maintain an illicit relationship with this girl for two years.

Once, I found out and were lied to by both that things had stopped.

The second time, was an expose by the third party.

At 34, I am finally only learning life's hardest lesson, but is so essential for me to continue to live a full, if not fuller life from this point onwards: the courage to face myself, and to own this life that comes with it all the powder and puffs, the dirts and pitfalls...

And through it all, summon the energy and strength from within to make things good for myself and the ones I love with my life.

#lifelessons #courage #hope #true #genuine #choices #authentic #honest #merrychristmas #olderandwiser