u need to chill, chic... read ur blog, poor gal... never know u swear, but its good, at least now there's someone i can swear with... muahahahahah exam comes n goes, u know u did your best and that's it. can't do anything for u but i will pray for u... n eat good stuff on behalf of u. just tell me wat u wanna eat ...... heuheuheuh... miss u n hope to c u soon!
i watched fahrenheit 911, and i was like laughing thru the first half of the movie cos it was fairly funny and humorous. but when it started the 911 part, i started crying all the way till it ended. especially the part when it showed the children were badly hurt and the iraqi women asking WHY? and that part when the patriotic mother lost her son... it was very emotional, and michael moore has done a great job on showing what and how bush really was and is. it's very convincing, i can't find any reason to support bush... i wasn't a bush fan, or put it this way, i'm not supportive of the republicans. they r so... war. i donno. and after watching fahrenheit 911, i kinda, hate him. i know i'm not suppose to, people do something for some reasons but i just find it difficult to accept his reasons to go ahead and destroy other ppl's home. it's so uncivilised, imagine ur houses swallowed by the inferno, smokes everywhere, *bang* *bang* *bang*!!!... alrite i'm done here, ppl, go watch it... it's being banned from all the big cinemas in the states but it's alrite here. don't miss it...
I was buying cakes, made of flour and brown sugar and butter and crushed peanut from the uncle. It cost 60¢ a piece. The weather was hot, business was fine. But the uncle was very cheerful. He doesn’t earn much. It’s just he himself, no helper. The way he was cooking and the way he treated his customer is what made me salute him. He was smiling and was very excited when he was cooking (or I thought he looked cheerful).
He enjoys what he is doing even he doesn’t earn thousands. What matters most is he likes what he does and people appreciate what he does. Looking at him made me think of my dad. He earns a lot, but he wasn’t happy. He no longer enjoys what he did, and he lost the passion towards his job. Though he retired now, and I no longer have that much pocket money, but in some ways, I’m really glad for him. At least now he really enjoys life. Relaxing, playing golf with friends, have some fruit juice ‘round the day, have some chocolates after meals, play with Poppy whenever he feels like.
One has to have passion towards everything in his life, he’ll only be happy that way. I suppose……. Cause I’m too young to talk bout that, ain’t I?
this is really cute!!! baby gaara.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
it is, the second time that i can't post stuff via blogger. like the previous time, i wrote quite something... shame on me to make the same mistake of make copy or draft in microsoft word... boo~~~
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
it's really really frustrating cos i can't post anything via blogger and it's really really time-wasting to wait and rewrite and rewrite. so this is the final i'm going to write. and shitness, i've lost all my moods to tell wat had happened in the past few days.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
this is funny too...
i think this is funny & cute!
Monday, October 04, 2004
Does your name begin with: W You are very proud, determined & refuses to take no for an answer when it come to love. Your ego is at stake all the time. You are romantic, idealistic, often in love with love itself, not seeing your partner for who she or he really is. You feel deeply about love & tends to throw all of your self into a relationship. Nothing is too good for your lover. You like playing love games. SEPTEMBER Suave and compromising Careful, cautious and organised Likes to point out people's mistakes Likes to criticize Quiet but able to talk well Calm and cool Kind and sympathetic Concerned and detailed Trustworthy, loyal and honest Does work well SensitiveThinking Good memory Clever and knowledgeable Loves to look for information Must control oneself when criticising Able to motivate oneself Understanding Secretive Loves sports, leisure and travelling Hardly shows emotions Tends to bottle up feelings Choosy especially in relationships Loves wide things Systematic Libra
Turn ons
Libra needs peace and harmony in all their relationship so help them maintain that. Venus the ruling planet gives them beauty and they have weakness for people who can compliment them about their beauty (you will not have to make an effort to do that anyway). You can help Libra seek union and partnership in life. If you have Libra partner you can be sure to share beautiful and pleasurable moments together.
Turn offs
Libra is kind and gentle soul but very argumentative. Hence do not start an argument or discussion unless of course you are free and do not know how to pass your time. They hate to lose and most probably in between of discussion they may change their side too (remember scales can tilt) and still continue arguing from other side. Do not push your Libra partner into making decisions. They will keep weighing pros and cons and may still not be able to come to any decision. Have patience!
*anyone who wishes to know bout themselves, leave a msg*
in older days, the media is for the elites/upper class ppl... today, the media is for the ppl... everyone.
but i still think that today's media is not really for the people but the dominant ones... or put it this way, m'sian's media is more to the dominant ppl. bcoz, if someone show something which will influence the ppl's thought, and form another opinion (bad) about someone (who is famous), that someone who showed it will get caught if the dominant ppl is/r not happy.
someone says that today's media is for the ppl, because if the ppl do not watch it, who wil? i mean, media plays an important role in one's life. ppl watch, read, listen...... to the media. and the media give information which will form a person's thoughts and opinions. n the ppl's infos r from media, which is consider as second-hand infos.
what we think r not really our thoughts, it's someone else (the journalist, the editor,... blah). you got my point? i'm kinda confuse too........ someone tell me something!!!
this is the boy, that i've started to sponsor. i think he looks shy... eh?
got cindy's presents... i'm overwhelmed... she sent me a dragonfly keychain, i've seen it before at her blog but never thaught that it's for me... and the heart-shaped chocolates, delicious! not to forget the card, i'm really touched. i was gonna take pictures of them, but i was lazy........... anyway, i'm using the dragonfly keychain. my old mate - roxy keychain, is time to rest before it's totally worn-out.
i'm feeling quite dizzy, don't know why...